Filling out the Job Submittal
"How do I fill in the form" is a very common question.
This form was designed for a very broad audience, so not everything will apply to everyone. The customer information column is self explanatory, but the order information is where the bottleneck happens. If you are from a company that insists on having detailed information for billing purposes, the more you supply makes it easier for all of us. The form will not allow you to leave sections blank, so if a section of the order information section does not apply to you, just put an "x" or use the pull down to select "N/A - not applicable"
Next page is where you select your file(s). Depending on your browser, you may drag your files onto the upper bar. The upload tool will begin the upload, automatically zipping your files. Please provide any additional details in the "INSTRUCTION" box (PAPER TYPE, HOW MANY COPIES, or SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS - the more info you provide the better!! (no limit on what you may type!)
Wait for you files to finish uploading, and click "NEXT". In the next few minutes, providing you have entered your email correctly, a confirmation email will be sent back to you, detailing your order. Once this is received, your order is in our system, and will be processed ASAP!!